Looking for Beauty
Are you someone who seeks out beauty in your surroundings and in your life? Our conscious mind is wired to focus on identifying threats and danger, so if we are not consciously directing our attention, we may miss out on the beauty that surrounds us. This could be the beauty of a blue sky and fluffy white clouds (visual), the beauty of silence (auditory), the beauty of a fragrance (smell), the beauty of indulging in a piece of rich dark chocolate (olfactory), or the beauty of the quiet stillness of Spirit within. There are many different forms of beauty, and often we either overlook them or don't take the time to fully appreciate them. So often we miss it or we don’t linger there to relish it. Maybe pause just for a minute to contemplate the word linger. How often do you linger to truly relish something pleasant?
Practicing mindfulness meditation can help train your brain to be more present and attuned to the subtleties of the present moment. Being fully present allows us to recognize the richness and vibrancy of the present moment and all that it has to offer. Being present communicates to your protective personality that it is safe to relax, to just be.
Engaging in quantum journeys, past life regression, and Life Between Lives regression requires the activation of all your senses to receive information. By tuning into the present moment and perceiving with all of your senses, you can access your Soul and tap into your deeper wisdom. These practices can enhance your connection to your spirit and your guides. Experiment with these practices and enjoy them. Your guides love to play. Let it become a part of your routine.
Wishing for you an awareness of all of the beauty within and without. This planet is a truly magical place.