If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to send me a message.
If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to send me a message.
As a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor for the past 30 years, I have come to appreciate how profoundly we are impacted by adverse circumstances from the moment we come into being. Major advances in neuroscience over the past 15-20 years have given us very powerful therapy modalities like EMDR, Lifespan Integration, and Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems (CIMBS) therapy to repair trauma in the mind. Beyond that, advances in the field of energy medicine have shown us that we also carry wounding in our energetic bodies from our current lifetimes and previous lifetimes. PLR Hypnotherapy, LBL Hypnotherapy, and quantum journeys are effective in breaking these energetic bonds and providing the opportunity to rediscover your true Self, free of wounding on the mind, body, and spiritual levels.
Hypnotherapy allows you to access information in your subconscious mind. Using the analogy of an iceberg, your conscious mind is similar to the 5-10% that is visible above the water line. Your subconscious mind is the rest — the 90-95% below the water line that cannot be seen. The beliefs that you develop young in life are stored in the subconscious mind. They operate in the background, influencing your behaviors and your choices. The subconscious mind is also the bridge to the superconscious mind, which holds the memories of all of your lifetimes. Accessing the subconscious mind, the superconscious mind, and the quantum realms allows you to shift beliefs that have stayed with you across lifetimes.
If you have already successfully experienced a past life in a PLR, you will be more relaxed and confident going into your LBL Regression. Going to the end of a past life is the portal to the spiritual realm.
All services begin with a 60-minute initial appointment.
Other appointments are as follows:
PLR session 90-minutes
LBL Regression session 4 hours
QCE session 3 hours
Other quantum journey sessions 90-minutes
Supportive trauma recovery sessions 60-90 minutes
Spiritual Mentorship sessions 60-90 minutes.
The initial appointment (required as the first step for all services) is $180.
PLR session $270.
LBL regression session $720.
First-time LBL regression package (including your initial appointment, PLR, and LBL which occur over the course of two days.) $1,170.
QCE session $540.
90-minute Quantum Journey session $270
Supportive Trauma Recovery sessions $180 per hour. 1.25-hour session $225, 1.5-hour session $270.
Spiritual Mentorship sessions are $180 per session. These sessions are booked in packages as follows:
3 sessions (1 x week)- $540
5 sessions (1 x week)- $900
8 sessions (1 x week)- $1440
Lifespan Integration Consultation (for therapists only) is $200 for a 75-minute session and $240 for a 90-minute session.
I do not bill insurance directly. However, if you live in the states of Washington or Idaho and have insurance that has an out-of-network counseling benefit, I can provide you with paperwork to submit for your own reimbursement.
Yes. All services are available via Zoom. Many insurance companies are currently covering sessions provided through remote modalities.
During the initial meeting you will have the opportunity to share the details of your life journey so far and your desires with regard to our work together. I can answer your questions more completely and together we will determine which of the services that I offer will be most helpful for you. This is a time for getting to know each other and for planning.
My office is sanitized regularly. Hand sanitizer is available and face masks are optional.
This is a common question. All that is required for you to respond to hypnosis is an openness to the possibilities, an attitude of curiosity, a willingness to trust, and a willingness to open to your imagination. If you are highly logical and skeptical you will want to spend some time doing some self-hypnosis or meditation to help your mind to relax more and to begin to experience opening up to greater consciousness. Some people are more able to relax their minds through activities like yoga, sitting in nature, or taking a relaxing walk.
If you are coming for hypnosis work, it is always helpful, but not necessary, to be doing some kind of relaxation training. It’s all about preparing the mind to relax so that you can access other levels of consciousness. Any kind of guided meditation can help you with this process. Using the guided meditations provided on this website will help your mind to get accustomed to my voice; which will benefit you.
You will be sent an information form to complete and bring with you for the initial appointment. If you are coming for an LBL Regression you will be asked to prepare a list of questions ahead of time. You will also be asked to complete the Enneagram personality inventory (RHETI)and share your results.